15 Questions When Considering a Coach Training Program

With numerous options available, we understand that finding the “right” coach training program can feel a bit overwhelming, even confusing. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to explore various programs and identify what you’re looking for in a program (e.g., online training option, ICF accredited, etc.). With this in mind, we’ve compiled a list of 15 critical questions you should ask the admissions/enrollment departments when exploring a coach training program.

Credibility & Longevity

  • How long have you been training coaches?
  • How many coaches have you trained?
  • What organizations or companies have you provided training to their teams?
  • What resources are available to graduates/alumni of your program?

Program Information

  • What coach specializations do you offer?
  • What is the structure of your program? (e.g. length of program, frequency and duration of class, training platform, etc.)
  • What support is provided to me if I want to build a coaching practice?
  • What support is provided to me if I want to integrate coaching techniques into my current work?
  • Who leads the training? What is their background?
  • To what degree does your program rely on positive psychology?
  • To what degree are the prices on your website fully inclusive of what is necessary to receive a certification?

Accreditation & Licensing

  • Is your institution accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF)?
  • Is your institution licensed in your state to operate as an educational institution?
  • What is required for me to receive certification through your institution as well as through the ICF?
  • How does your program support me through the entirety of this process?