Coach Training FAQs

With numerous options available, finding the right coach training program can feel a bit overwhelming, even confusing. Here’s a list of the most frequently asked questions when people are searching for a life coach training school.

General Questions

  1. What is Life Coaching?
  2. What is the ICF (International Coach Federation)?
  3. What is the value of becoming a Certified Life Coach?
  4. Is it possible to make a living as a coach?
  5. What makes CTEDU different from other coach training programs?
  6. Will I be a good coach?
  7. Which specialization is right for me?
  8. Which package is right for me?
  9. How do I enroll in the Coach Training EDU program?
  10. How do I get in touch with an enrollment coach?

Credibility & Longevity

  1. How long have you been training coaches?
  2. How many coaches have you trained?
  3. What organizations or companies have you provided training to their teams?
  4. What resources are available to graduates/alumni of your program?

Program Information 

  1. What coach specializations do you offer?
  2. What is included in CTEDU’s Associate package?
  3. What is included in CTEDU’s Professional package?
  4. What is included in CTEDU’s Master package?
  5. How frequently are your training sessions?
  6. How long is your coach training program?
  7. What Continuing Coach Education (CCE) opportunities does CTEDU offer?
  8. What are your trainer qualifications?
  9. How accessible are your trainers?
  10. Is the CTEDU program virtual or in-person?
  11. What is the virtual CTEDU experience like?

Program Pricing

  1. What are the fees associated with completing a CTEDU coach training program?
  2. Is financial aid available?

Coaching Pricing

  1. Do I have to have a practice client to earn a CTEDU certification?
  2. What opportunities does CTEDU offer to practice what I learn in the training sessions?

Certification & ICF Credentialing

  1. What is required for me to receive certification through CTEDU?
  2. What is required for me to receive an ICF credential?

Coach Support

  1. What support is provided to me if I want to build a coaching practice?
  2. What support is provided to me if I want to integrate coaching techniques into my current work?
  3. What support is provided to alumni of Coaching Training EDU?

Accreditation & Licensing

  1. Is your institution accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF)?
  2. Is your institution licensed in your state to operate as an educational institution?
  3. Will I receive my ICF credential when I graduate from CTEDU?
  4. What are the steps to earning an ICF credential?
  5. How does your program support me through the entirety of this process?


What is Life Coaching?

  • As defined by the International Coach Federation (ICF), Life Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires clients to maximize their personal and professional potential. In this relationship, the client is honored as the expert of their life and work and it is believed that every client is creative, resourceful and whole. The role of a life coach is to provide support to enhance the resources, skills and creativity that the client already has within themselves.

What is the International Coach Federation (ICF)?

  • The ICF is the leading global organization committed to advancing the coaching profession through establishing a high standard of practice, providing independent certification, and building an international network of trained coaching professionals. The ICF provides accountability to both clients and the coaching profession as a whole. Individual coaches and coach training programs that pursue ICF accreditation demonstrate mastery in coaching, in both knowledge and skills and an ongoing commitment to professional excellency. Coach Training EDU offers approved and accredited coach training hours through the ICF.

What is the value of becoming a certified Life Coach?

  • Receiving a life coach credential (ACC, PCC, or MCC) from the International Coaching Federation (ICF) reveals not only your credibility as a life coach, but also your investment in the theoretical and practical components of professional coaching. Further, certification serves as an effective marketing tool to establish your coaching practice or serve as an asset in advancing your career within an organization.

Is it possible to make a living as a coach?

  • Absolutely! Life Coaching is a $2 billion dollar industry that continues to grow internationally and more than 70% of CTEDU alumni are earning coaching-related income.

What makes CTEDU different from other coach training programs?

  • We are at the highest level of accreditation that the ICF offers training organizations and we’re currently in the process of becoming accredited through the U.S. Department of Education.
  • CTEDU believes in a completely online, remote learning model that allows greater accessibility and affordability of our programs. Our program was established as a virtual program from the beginning.
  • Utilizes a flipped classroom model as an instructional strategy and blend andragogy (focuses more on process than content), experiential (learning through experience), and transformational learning approaches to maximize individual growth and development throughout each course.
  • We provide business building materials that give you the knowledge to create your own profitable coaching practice and do your life’s work.
  • Support and resources available throughout your training, into launching your coaching career, and beyond.

Will I be a good coach?

  • The foundation of coaching is leveraging extreme curiosity combined with deep listening and powerful questions to shine a light on aspects of our clients they may not see in themselves. These are the foundational skills that we cover at the very beginning of our program, so you are set up to be an exceptional coach.

Which specialization is right for me?

  • Deciding to become a life coach is the first step of your journey. It is a time to explore, challenge, and learn about yourself as you do your life’s work. Even though we provide three different life coach training specializations (Executive, Wellness, and Academic), our curriculum is designed to prepare you to work with a diverse client population, regardless of the specialization. Having a conversation with an Enrollment Coach might be helpful in choosing a specialization with CTEDU.

Which package is right for me?

  • We offer three different packages: 
    • The associate package is ideal for coaches who are new to the field and want to develop a foundational skillset. If you are a coach or professional interested in starting your own coaching practice, this is a great place to start!
    • The professional package is ideal for coaches who have some experience and are interested in advancing their skillset. 
    • The master package is ideal for coaches with years of extensive coaching experience and are in need of the highest level of training and support. 
  • Regardless of your choice, each package offers a global network, research-based curriculum, and a clear path toward an ICF credential. 

How do I enroll in the Coach Training EDU program?

  • Have a conversation with one of our Enrollment Coaches.
  • Complete our application here.
  • Receive access to the Coach Portal once you are enrolled.

How do I get in touch with an Enrollment Coach?

  • We’d love to chat with you! You can schedule a time to meet with one of our enrollment coaches here!

Credibility & Longevity

How long have you been training coaches?

  • Coach Training EDU has been training passionate people to become professional coaches since 2009.

How many coaches have you trained?

  • Coach Training EDU has trained over 3,000 coaches in over 50 countries in the areas of Academic Life Coaching, Executive Life Coaching, and Wellness Life Coaching.

What organizations or companies have you provided training to their teams?

  • From the University of Oklahoma to Thomas Nelson Community College to North Georgia Technical College, Coach Training EDU has worked with a wide variety of Universities and Colleges to train their faculty and staff. In addition, we have worked with companies & organizations, such as Genentech and IBM, to train their employees.

What resources are available to graduates/alumni of your program?

  • Graduates and alumni of any Coach Training EDU have lifetime access to their course resources, including any new additions of the text and workbooks. In addition, our graduates continue to network, connect, and practice through regular Power Hours, private social media groups, and have the opportunity to be a guest on our Coaching to Flourish podcast.

Program Information

What coach specializations do you offer?

  • Coach Training EDU offers three specializations: Academic Life Coaching for those who would like to work with students up to and through college, Executive Life Coaching for those who would like to work with executives and other leaders, and Wellness Life Coaching for those who would like to work with individuals in creating a healthy lifestyle.

What is included in CTEDU’s Associate package?

  • The Associate package includes a 1.0 Coach Training course (which is 62.5 ICF coach-specific training hours) 3 one-on-one mentor hours, hard copies of the Coach Training Guide and Client Guides, the Build Your Life’s Work self study, and 8 hours of Group Mentor Coaching. This package earns you a CTEDU Associate Coach Certification and sets you up for the ACSTH path for an ICF credential.

What is included in CTEDU’s Professional package?

  • The Professional package includes everything in the Associate package PLUS the 2.0 Advanced Coach Training Course (this combined with a 1.0 Coach Training course totals 125 ICF coach-specific training hours), 3 additional one-on-one mentor hours, and our Biz Launcher course or a dual certification. This package earns you a CTEDU Professional Coach Certification and sets you up for the ACTP path for an ICF credential.

What is included in CTEDU’s Master package?

  • The Master package includes everything in the Professional package PLUS the 3.0 Relationship Coach Training course (this combined with a 1.0 Coach Training course and the 2.0 Advanced Coach Training course totals 203.5 ICF coach-specific training hours), and 4 additional one-on-one mentor hours.

How frequently are your training sessions?

  • All 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 courses meet once a week for 2 hours over the course of 26 weeks. Group Mentor Coaching courses meet once a week for 1 hour over the course of 8 weeks.

How long is your coach training program?

  • Our Associate Package can be completed in as little as 7 months.
  • Our Professional Package can be completed in as little as 11 months.
  • Our Master Package can be completed in as little as 15 months.

What Continuing Coach Education (CCE) opportunities does CTEDU offer?

  • For coaches who are looking to renew their ICF credential or expand their skills and knowledge as a coach, we offer a variety of CCE opportunities. These include a Biz Launcher course, a Team & Relationships course, a Diversity & Leadership course.

What are your trainer qualifications?

  • All CTEDU trainers have completed a CTEDU training program, are certified CTEDU trainers, and are ICF credentialed. Their professional backgrounds vary from education to corporate leaders to fitness instructors and they join us from all around the world. Our 1.0 and 2.0 courses are led by two trainers to provide diverse coaching perspectives.

How accessible are your trainers?

  • In addition to offering individualized support during class, each coach has one-on-one time with their trainers outside of class for additional support as they need it. This can be leveraged to clarify a topic or concept, get additional practice, chat about business strategy, or even to be coached.

Is the CTEDU program virtual or in person?

  • CTEDU’s program has been built as a live, virtual, interactive experience from its inception. As such, we utilize advanced technology to provide an exceptional online coach experience. Because we have always been an online program, we know what it takes to create a strong international community that leverages technology to the benefit of our coaches.

What is the virtual CTEDU experience like?

  • Globally, distance learning is progressively gaining popularity. Our values at Coach Training EDU align seamlessly with the online classroom experience in that it allows for greater accessibility, flexibility, and numerous opportunities for interpersonal engagement with classmates and trainers. Additionally, our course size limits promote engaged and active learning throughout the entirety of each class.
  • All of our courses are taught remotely in a flipped classroom model. A plethora of resources are offered through our coach portal for learning, so class time is spent engaging with trainers and classmates and practicing the concepts.

Program Pricing

What are all the fees associated with completing a CTEDU coach training program?

  • The pricing you see on our pricing page is true, accurate, and all-inclusive for our program. There are no hidden or additional costs to receiving an Associate, Professional, or Master certification as described.

Is financial aid available?

  • While CTEDU does not qualify for federal financial aid, we provide educational packages and payment options that work with your budget. Our most common payment options are a pay-in-full, which includes a 10% discount or 12 equal installments over a year.
  • We offer discounts to those who work at institutions of higher education and for groups of three or more who are looking for coach training. Please contact Matt with any questions.

Coaching Practice

Do I have to have a practice client to earn a CTEDU certification?

  • About half way through your 1.0 training, it’s useful to start working a practice client to apply the concepts and skills you are gaining in your course. This is one of the requirements for earning a CTEDU certification.

What opportunities does CTEDU offer to practice what I learn in the training sessions?

    • In addition to working with your practice client, CTEDU offers Power Hours and Coaching Pods. Power Hour sessions are weekly meetings that provide coaches an opportunity to learn, connect, discuss, and practice all things coaching. These are open to the entire CTEDU community, including coaches-in-training and alumni. Coaching Pods provide an opportunity for CTEDU coaches to partner for practice on your own schedule. These could be coaches in your class, coaches enrolled in another CTEDU course, or even a CTEDU alum.

Certification & ICF Credentialing

What is required for me to receive certification through CTEDU?

  • For an Associate Coaching Certification through Coach Training EDU, you will need to complete a 1.0 course as well as a Group Mentor Coaching course.
  • For a Professional Coaching Certification through Coach Training EDU, you will need to complete a 1.0 course, a 2.0 course, and a Group Mentor Coaching course.
  • For a Master Coaching Certification through Coach Training EDU, you will need to complete two 1.0 courses, the 2.0 course, the 3.0 Relationship Coaching course, Group Mentor Coaching, and the Biz Launcher course.

What is required for me to receive an ICF credential?

  • Coaches who earn the Associate Coaching Certification are set up to apply for an ICF credential through the ACSTH path. You will submit a copy of your CTEDU certification to the ICF along with 100 hours of coaching experience, a performance evaluation, and completion of the Coach Knowledge Assessment. For more information on this path, click here.
  • Coaches who earn the Professional Coaching Certification are set up to apply for an ICF credential through the ACTP path. You will submit a copy of your CTEDU certification to the ICF along with 100 hours of coaching experience and complete the Coach Knowledge Assessment. This is the most streamline option towards an ICF credential. For more information on this path, click here.

Coach Support

What support is provided to me if I want to build a coaching practice?

  • All coaches who enroll in any of our programs receive access to a Build Your Life’s Work self-study, which provides critical resources for building a coaching practice, such as determining a niche, building a website, marketing your practice, and deciding on pricing. In addition, we off a Biz Launcher course, which meets once every two weeks for one hour over the course of 24 weeks. This course is live and interactive via the Zoom platform.

What support is provided to me if I want to integrate coaching techniques into my current work?

  • Similarly to the “Build Your Life’s Work, a self-study, we also offer an integration guide for those coaches who are more interested in bringing coaching skills into their current role.

What support is provided to alumni of Coach Training EDU?

    • CTEDU is an organization committed to the success of its enrolled coaches-in-training and our graduates. As an alum, you will have access to all future updates to our resources and curriculum, be invited to a plethora of community events geared specifically to CTEDU graduates, and be a life-long member in the vibrant CTEDU coaching community.

Accreditation & Licensing

Is your institution accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF)?

  • Yes, Coach Training EDU has been accredited by the ICF since 2016.

Is your institution licensed in your state to operate as an educational institution?

  • Yes, Coach Training EDU has been licensed to operate through the state of Oregon since 2018.

Will I receive my ICF credential when I graduate from CTEDU?

  • The International Coach Federation (ICF) is a separate organization from all coach training organizations. While you will receive a CTEDU certification at the completion of your program, it is up to you to determine whether to pursue an ICF credential.

What are the steps to earning an ICF credential?

  • CTEDU is accredited through the ICF and provides a streamline path toward your ICF credential:
  1. Determine the credential path you want to pursue with the ICF. The ICF offers three credentialing paths: A portfolio path, Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH), and Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP). CTEDU is an Accredited Coach Training Program, which offers the most streamline and efficient path toward an ICF credential.
  2. Determine the level of credential you want to pursue with the ICF. The ICF offers three credentialing levels: Associate Certified Coach (ACC), Professional Certified Coach (PCC), and Master Certified Coach (MCC).
  3. Choose a CTEDU package based on the credential path and level you have selected. The Associate package leads to the ACSTH path, the Professional package leads to the ACTP path, and the Master package leads to the ACTP path at the MCC level.
  4. Log the necessary coach experience hours based upon the credential level you have chosen.
  5. Earn your CTEDU certification.
  6. Apply for your ICF credential.
  7. Pass the ICF Coach Knowledge Assessment.

How does your program support me through the entirety of this process?

  • We understand the the certification and ICF credential process can be confusing at times. Our entire team, from the leadership team to your trainers, is committed to your success and are eager to support you every step of the way. We have a wealth of resources to help you understand the process and are happy to meet with you one-on-one to discuss your specific coaching goals.

To connect with an Enrollment Coach, complete our contact form here.