Graduate Stories

Graduate Stories

Since 2009, CTEDU has trained over 3,000 coaches and counting. We’re grateful to have a community of inspiring, curious leaders changing the world everyday. These are their stories.
Graduate Stories: Randi Kurtzer

After a long career as a Speech Language Pathologist Randi Kurtzer, CTEDU Certified Academic Coach, retired and pursued another path, starting her own coaching practice.

Graduate Stories: Erica Penner

Erica Penner, CTEDU Certified Life & Leadership Coach, started her own business working with women navigating the push-pull between security and risk in their life and career.

Graduate Stories: Donna Oard

Donna Oard, CTEDU Certified Executive Coach, launched her own life coaching business with the mission of helping people focus, achieve their goals and go further in life.

Graduate Stories: Christina Fisher

Christina Fisher, CTEDU Certified Wellness Coach, started her own coaching business, Rightfully Positioned LLC, to help people work through their truths and challenges.

Graduate Stories: Nick Sanchez

Nick Sanchez's, CTEDU Certified Executive Coach, passion lies in exploring the systems and injustices that keep us from realizing our potential through coaching.

Graduate Stories: Leslie Williams

As a High School Principal, Leslie Williams, became a CTEDU Certified Academic Coach to find new ways to educate and connect with both students and teachers.

Graduate Stories: Xuandy Ng

Xuandy Ng, Certified Academic Coach, opened an online teaching company to support students as they find the best way they learn and help parents support their children.

Graduate Stories: Alyn Waller

After a 30-year pastoring career, Alyn Waller, became a CTEDU Certified Executive Coach to become better equipped to empower leaders to change the world.

Graduate Stories: Farah Radwan

Certified Academic Life Coach, Farah Radwan, a Professor at Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaxiz University in Saudi Arabia became a coach to guide people through their transformations.

Graduate Stories: Roshaunda Cade

CTEDU Certified Life Coach Roshaunda Cade, PhD completed the Executive Life Coach training program and paired her passion with education to become a Writing Coach.

Graduate Stories: Amanda Dewey

Amanda Dewey, Corporate Coach, started her own coaching practice to support determined women perform at their highest level to elevate their careers.

Graduate Stories: Christina Chong

Christina Chong, Certified Academic Coach, developed a coaching unit to support students as Manager of the Life Coaching Program at Florida International University (FIU).

Graduate Stories: Christina Dizon

Christina Dizon became a Stress Management and Performance coach focusing on coaching first-responders to lead with energy, beat stress, create more impact and avoid burnout.

Graduate Stories: Sam Moinet

Sam Moinet, Academic Coach, launched his own coaching practice, Student Breakthrough coaching students on mental health, confidence and motivation.

Graduate Stories: Will Brydon

Will Brydon, Academic Coach, started his own coaching business, Peak by Brydon, dedicated to supporting students and student athletes with the mission of making the world a better place.